Uses Of Avacado

Avocado on whiteFor an excellent skin complexion: Rub one or more of the following items against the skin two to four times a week: papaya pulp,avocado, cucumber, spirulina, fresh noni fruit and/ or aloe vera. For dry skin: Rub hempseed oil, jojoba oil and MSM lotion. Directly into the skin. This will alleviate dryness quickly. Or use avocado oil is similar to our skin's oil. Reuced risk of: Prostate cancer- Oral cancer - Breast cancer- Free radicals - Anti-aging - Bad breath Benefits: Improves eye health- Improve heart health - Lowering bad cholesterol - Stroke prevention - Great source of vitamins E - Anti-inflammatory - Prevent birth defects - Skin care Strengthening the immune system. Maintain stronger bones & teeth.
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